My Clinic / Skin Clinic
Dr James Kang

Women's Health

Why Women’s Health is Different

Women's health issues due to a complex reproductive system that makes them different from men.
A variety of diseases can affect women more severely than men. These may include:
  • heart attack,
  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • sexually transmitted infections (STI),
  • osteoarthritis, and
  • urinary tract problems.
These differences may necessitate them visiting their doctor at timely intervals in order to screen for various diseases. Screening tests can assess the risk for future illnesses and help in their early detection.

Women’s Health Management

Regular assessments are important for women’s health. Cervical cancer and precancerous changes of the cervix are common problems that should be assessed and treated early.
Approximately one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime so breast examinations should be a part of your overall health plan.
Our doctors perform these examinations and assessments. We also have a fully functional treatment room with registered nurses.
Areas of Women’s Health where care is provided include:
  • Regular Health Checks
  • Pap smear
  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Incontinence
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Endometriosis
  • Menstrual problems
  • Menopause
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Prolapse
If you have any questions or need advice, make an appointment to see your doctor.

Regular Women’s Health Checks

Physical Examination

From time to time your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) will be checked during examinations. Depending on individual risk factors, women over the age of 40 may need to undergo a physical examination once every 3 years.

Blood Pressure Check

Women with a history of borderline or high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked at least every year. Women with diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or other related conditions also need to have their blood pressure checked regularly.

Diabetes Screening

Women aged 40 or above should get tested for diabetes every 3 years. Women with blood pressure above 135/80 should regularly check their blood sugar for diabetes.

Bone Density

A bone density test should be performed in all postmenopausal women with fractures. Women under the age of 65, depending on their risk factors may need to be screened for osteoporosis.

Colon Cancer Screening

Women between the ages of 50 and 75 need to be screened for colon cancer. The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program invites Australians aged over 50 to screen for bowel cancer using a free, simple test at home. The aim is to continue to reduce deaths from bowel cancer through early detection of the disease. Additional studies may be scheduled by your doctor if you have a history of ulcerative colitis or any family history of colon cancer.

Eye Examination

An eye examination is recommended every two years for women older than 45 or with vision abnormalities. You may need to be checked for glaucoma  after the age of 45.

Flu Vaccinations

A flu vaccine is recommended once a year.

Breast Checks

Women should perform a monthly self-exam of their breasts. Any lumps or other abnormalities noted in the breasts should immediately be reported to the doctor. Depending on their risk factors for breast cancer, women over the age of 40 may need to have a mammogram performed every one to two years.

The current recommendations are for two yearly mammograms from the age of 50 years or from 40 years for women with a strong family history of breast cancer. Routine screening is done by Breastscreen WA. Women are encouraged to be 'breast aware' and to self-examine regularly so that any changes can be detected and discussed with your doctor. It is also important to report symptoms such as nipple rash and bloody discharge to your GP as these may require further investigation.

Breast problems are the most common health concerns among women and can affect women at any age. In women, the development of breasts usually begins around puberty and they may undergo various changes throughout the life cycle, especially during menstrual periods, pregnancy, lactation and advancing age. Other than the normal physiological changes, the breast may also undergo a few other changes which may be a cause of anxiety among women.

Breast checks include self-inspection, clinical examinations and the use of diagnostic devices. It has been proven that breast examinations are essential for early detection of breast cancer and are also useful for breast cancer prevention.

Types of Breast Changes

The common pathological breast changes can be categorized into non-cancerous and cancerous changes.

Non-cancerous changes include generalized breast lumpiness; enlarged lymph nodes; painless, movable and firm lumps; presence of cysts; breast pain; abscesses or nipple discharge.

Cancerous changes in the breast include invasive ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma.

Symptoms of the Breast Cancer

The symptoms of breast cancer include a persistent irregularity or lump within the breast or near the underarm, swelling around the breast, changes in the appearance of the breast or nipple, nipple discharge which may be blood-stained or clear fluid, hardness or dimpling felt over the breast or any unusual changes in the breast.

Methods of Breast Checks

The most popular methods of breast checks involve breast self-exam (BSE), clinical breast-exam (CBE), and advanced imaging such as mammograms. Other diagnostic measures such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be used. These methods are commonly used for diagnostic purpose, for early detection of breast cancer.


Mammograms are one of the most effective diagnostic tools for identifying breast cancer. They detect the changes of the underlying soft tissue and assess the depth and cause of the pathological condition. The benefits of a mammogram include early detection of breast changes through high quality images which provide a clear picture of the involved tissue and help detect all types of lumps. Annual mammogram screenings, in women over 40 years of age, significantly reduce the mortality from breast cancer.

Clinical Breast-Exam

This method of breast check is performed by a physician to identify any unusual changes in the breast or presence of any lumps. It involves a careful physical examination of the breast that helps in detecting any abnormality and to devise an appropriate treatment plan.

Breast Self-Exam

In breast self-exam, a woman checks her own breasts to identify any abnormalities or unusual changes. It includes observation and physical examinations of the breast. Breast self-exam is simple and can be easily performed at home. Your family history and your risk for developing breast cancer are a factor in deciding the age at which you need to initiate breast self-exam. Always inform your doctor about any change in the appearance of your breasts or any related abnormality. Breasts may swell and become tender at different stages of your menstrual cycle, so plan the breast self-exam at a convenient time every month to avoid discomfort.

Ultrasound and MRI

 Ultrasound and MRI are often used to confirm an examination finding as well to evaluate any abnormalities detected during mammography. MRI is one of the most sensitive diagnostic techniques for detecting breast cancer.

Pap smear

Australian guidelines recommend two yearly pap smears from the age of 20 years or within two years of starting sexual activity. Regular screening enables early detection and treatment of cervical abnormalities to prevent progression to cervical cancer. Abnormal vaginal bleeding patterns such as intermenstrual bleeding or postcoital bleeding should be discussed with your GP as this may indicate cervical abnormalities.

All women between the ages of 18 and 69 years, who have ever been sexually active, should have a Pap test every two years.

Abnormal Pap smear

A Pap smear or Pap test is conducted as part of a woman's routine health examination, after the age of 20. It is not a diagnostic test, but is a screening tool used to detect any abnormal cells in the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.

A Pap smear helps in early detection of serious medical conditions such as cervical cancer.

However an abnormal Pap smear does not necessarily denote cancer, it may also indicate the presence of infection or abnormal cells called dysplasia. Abnormal results highlight the requirement of supplementary testing to identify and confirm an underlying problem.

Causes of Abnormal Pap Smear

An abnormal Pap smear may indicate any of the following:
  • Infection or inflammation
  • Herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Dysplasia (abnormal cells that may be precancerous)
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection


Usually abnormal cells do not produce any symptoms for the woman. Moreover, even the presence of HPV in an abnormal Pap smear is asymptomatic.  A regular Pap smear is therefore very useful in early detection of any abnormalities.

An abnormal Pap smear, secondary to a sexually transmitted infection, however, may induce the following symptoms:
  • Abnormal discharge from the vagina, such as change in the amount, colour, odour or texture
  • Abnormal sensations such as pain, burning or itching in the pelvic or genital area during urination or sex
  • Sores, lumps, blisters, rashes or warts on or around the genitals


Following an abnormal Pap smear, the next step is further testing to confirm the cause of the abnormal cells.
A repeat Pap smear or test for human papilloma virus (HPV), a major risk factor for cervical cancer, may also be recommended.

Depending on the age of the patient and the type of abnormal cells, the doctor may recommend the following treatment options:
  • Cryosurgery, which involves freezing the abnormal cells which are then surgically removed.
  • Cone biopsy or LEEP procedure, where a triangle segment of cervical tissue including abnormal cells is removed by specially designed instruments for evaluation.

Abnormal Pap Smear During Pregnancy

A Pap smear during pregnancy is very safe. In case of an abnormal Pap smear, a colposcopy can be performed during pregnancy. However, further treatments are delayed until the birth of the baby. Often, the birth process washes away the abnormal cervical cells.

Cervical Cancer Vaccinations

Women after the age of 19 should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is recommended for women between the ages of 18 and 26. Women born after 1980, who have never had chickenpox, should receive two doses of varicella vaccine. Other vaccinations will be recommended by your healthcare provider if you are found to be at high risk for other diseases, such as pneumonia and shingles.

What is the HPV vaccine?

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the major cause of cervical cancer in women. 

HPV vaccine triggers the formation of antibodies to produce immunity and therefore protects the body from disease.

The HPV vaccine currently available in Australia is called Gardasil. This vaccine prevents infection with HPV types 16, 18, 6 and 11. HPV 16 and 18 are responsible for the majority (70% internationally; 80% in Australia) of cervical cancers. HPV 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of genital warts. Having the vaccine will protect those who have never  been exposed to these types of HPV.

Does the Vaccine Protect Against All HPV Types?

There are over 100 different viruses in the HPV group. Some HPV types are more likely to lead to the development of cancer than others. At least 14 types of HPV have been found to cause cancer however the vaccine only protects against two out of the 14. Therefore, Pap tests are still critically important. Women between the ages of 18-70 years who have ever had sex need to have a Pap test every two years whether or not they have been vaccinated.

Who is eligible for the HPV vaccine?

The vaccine is most effective if given to girls and boys before the start of sexual activity and, therefore exposure to HPV. Under the National Immunisation, Program Gardasil is free for three groups:
  • 12-13 year old girls in a school-based program, generally delivered in the first year of high school
  • 12-13 year old boys in a school-based program, generally delivered in the first year of high school
  • A catch-up group of 14-15 year old boys in a school-based program, delivered in Year 9 during 2013 and 2014.
For all other people, the cost of the vaccine is around $460; this does not include the cost of the visit to the GP who must prescribe the vaccine.

How is the HPV Vaccine Administered?

GPs will administer the vaccine in three injections in the upper arm or thigh over a six-month period.

Will ‘Boosters’ be Required, and if so, How Often?

Since the vaccine is new, more studies need to be done. It is not yet clear if or when boosters will be needed.

Is the HPV Vaccine Safe?

Tests of the vaccine showed only minor problems. Some people had a slight fever; others had redness or irritation of their skin at the site where the vaccine was administered.

I can’t Afford the Vaccine. Are Pap Tests Still a Good Option?

Pap tests are still critically important. Women between the ages of 18-70 years who have ever had sex need to have a Pap test every two years whether or not they have been vaccinated.

Should I Have My Son Vaccinated?

The HPV vaccine will be offered to 12-13 year old boys from 2013 as part of the National Vaccination Program. Genital warts and some cancers in males are related to HPV, including most anal cancer, and some cancers of the penis, head and neck.

I am Sexually Active. Will the Vaccine Benefit Me?

You will not be protected if you have already been infected with the HPV types covered by the vaccine, prior to vaccination. The Cancer Council recommends regular Pap tests every two years for all women who have ever had sex. For these women, Pap tests are still the best protection against cervical cancer.

What Trials Have Been Undertaken to Test the Vaccine?

Clinical trials across Australia and in the US have shown the vaccine to be close to 100% effective against HPV types 16 and 18.
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