My Clinic / Skin Clinic
Dr James Kang

Intraveous Vitamin Infusion

What Is Intravenous Vitamin Infusion?

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion is an upcoming mode of ‘alternative’ therapy, being popularized by athletes, celebrities and famous personalities.

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion is used as a method of bypassing the digestive system and delivering the maximum dose of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream, as a cure for conditions ranging from reducing ageing to curing jet lag and recovering from the flu.

Evidence suggests the benefits of intravenous infusion therapy are broad but are still being studied and determined.

What Conditions Does Intravenous Vitamin Infusion Help?

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion is a treatment conditions including:
  • Epstein Barr Virus (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and chronic stress,
  • Fibromyalgia, 
  • Depression, 
  • Recurrent infections and Influenza symptoms,
  • Dementia, and 
  • Some Cancers.

Why Is Intravenous Vitamin Infusion Required?

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion is required to maximize the amount of nutrients available in the body, by bypassing the digestive system.

Each infusion is custom designed, as per the needs and requirements of every individual, allowing them to reach their maximum potential every day.

Who Is Intravenous Vitamin Infusion Suitable for?

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion is suitable for most individuals. Intravenous vitamin infusion supplements vitamin deficiencies and acts as a quick boost.

However, people who are suffering from a lung or heart condition or chronic disease such as diabetes should be evaluated on a case by case basis. 

Preparation Before Intravenous Vitamin Infusion

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion can be performed as an outpatient procedure by clinics.

In order to determine the best outcome, the individual should be adequately counseled to ensure that the informed consent obtained is fully understood.

A complete history and physical examination should be completed to determine suitability for the procedure, which may include lab tests. This information allows the staff to determine which combination of vitamins and minerals should be administered for the best results.

Steps in Intravenous Vitamin Infusion

The Intravenous Vitamin Infusion surgery is performed as a walk-in procedure. The steps include:
  1. Making the individual comfortable in a relaxing chair. 
  2. Using a tourniquet to make veins more prominent on one of the upper limbs, and selecting a suitable vein for intravenous (IV) line insertion.
  3. Cleaning the site with an alcohol swab and insertion of the IV line.
  4. Starting the infusion at a steady rate.
  5. Stopping the infusion once the dose is completed and removal of the IV drip set. 
  6. The entire procedure takes 30 – 45 minutes

What Should I Expect After Intravenous Vitamin Infusion?

Immediately after the procedure, the intravenous line is removed and the individual can be discharged.

Patients experience a revitalized freshness and energy boost within minutes of infusion, lasting for a few hours or more.

Possible Risk or Complications of Intravenous Vitamin Infusion

Intravenous Vitamin Infusion carries all the risks associated with an intravenous infusion. Despite being uncommon these include: infection, bleeding, an allergic reaction and air bubbles risk, which may be introduced into the blood if not done properly.

The benefits of IV Vitamin Infusion are still being evaluated, compared to oral intake of vitamins, however indications are impressive.

In some cases the infusion of certain vitamins and minerals may result in their excess availability in the system, which can be toxic and cause health issues, such as hemochromatosis caused by excess iron.
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